Providing professional service
Approximately over 15,000 people speak indigenous languages in the Central Coast of California, primarily in Santa Maria, with large concentrations of Mixteco, Triqui, and Zapoteco. Professional Interpreting Service soon realized that speakers of indigenous languages constantly face language barriers, whether trying to rent a home, filling out paperwork, contacting their child’s school, going to the doctor, or accessing service.
Provided professional Interpreting Service to increase language access in school, medical, legal, and social settings
Provide cultural competency training in different settings
Provide training for interpreter
Provide training on Code of Ethics and language access rights
Our Mission
Committed to Providing Professional Interpreting Services: Providing interpreting services to different levels of government, public and private agencies and developing interpreters of indigenous languages in Mexico promoting the linguistic access in the various fields and disseminate information on the cultures.
Perform professional interpreting services
Provide a centralized referral agency for institutions looking for interpreters
Serve as a support for indigenous interpreters
Provide capacity building trainings to local interpreters around interpretation, code of ethics and technology
Provide an internal certification program for employees
Let’s get started!
Scheduling an interpreter is easy.
Freelance Interpreting Opportunities
If you are a professional interpreter or translator please submit your cover letter along with your resume. Email mixtecointerpreters@gmail.com